Here is a selection of my images of Tiffany Carter from a number of events, starting with the 2011 Montreal Burlesque Festival as well as Gilrlesque shows here in Toronto in 2012 and 2014. She was one of the first performers I met in Montreal that year, when Satan’s Angel introduced me to her as we checked in to our hotel. Somewhere between the US and Montréal, between several missed connecting flights, her baggage had gone missing, and I ended up phoning around to help get this resolved. We’ve been friends ever since.

She was Miss Nude Universe in 1975 and performed for about 20 years – from 1960 – to 1980. Back now as a Legend of Burlesque, she’s a terrific performer, has some great stories to tell, and was a pleasure to meet. 

As usual, the gallery shots below are best viewed at full size – click on any image to see a larger version or slideshow.

All images ©2018 Chris Hutcheson